'A very famous medicinal property embedded dish made with a pepper base. Our SRIRANGAM Mami shows us how to cook Milagu Kuzhambu which is good post-delivery food for feeding mothers. Also cures cold and cough. #milagukuzhambu This video explains the Curry made with Pepper made with Indian Style which cures cold and cough. During this lockdown, when drained out without many vegetables this simple and easy to cook pepper curry can be made as a healthy recipe. Milagu Kuzhambu / pepper curry is a spicy and tasty kulambu that goes well with rice. This kulambu can be made with basic ingredients available at home and because of the spicy nature of this curry, it pairs well with other side dishes. In this video, I have shared the recipe called \"marunthu kulambu\" for post-delivery mothers. It has a lot of medicinal values in it. Post-delivery care is most important for a newborn baby\'s mother. so this gravy is given to the mother after delivery, it heals the mother\'s wounds. The post-delivery period, known as post-partum #postpartumperiod, is about 8 weeks after the delivery, which is almost like returning to the pre-pregnant stage. During this period you need to take utmost care on physical and emotional changes. Common physical problems, postpartum problems after the child\'s birth, Feeling cold, sometimes with sweat is common. Weightloss Urinary issues Constipation Sore breasts Emotional challenges that you can foresee, new mother problems Anxiety Depression Mood swings Irritation Baby blues Nutritious food Food must be rich in protein, iron, and calcium. Healthy nutrition is one of the most important precautions for post-delivery. Milagu Kuzhambu in Tamil (pathiya kuzhambu after delivery,pathiya kuzhambu after delivery in tamil,pathiya kuzhambu after delivery in tamil language,pathiya kuzhambu,பிரசவித்த பெண்கள். பத்திய குழம்பு,). In this video, we have shown easy method to prepare Pathiya Kulambu காய்கறி இல்லையா? அப்போ இந்த குழம்பு செய்ங்க குழம்பும் காலி சோறும் காலி | kulambu varieties in tamil how to make milagu kulambu | milagu kuzhambu in tamil | Milagu kulambu recipe in tamil | kuzhambu | Kulambu | Pepper Kulambu in tamil | Pepper Kulambu recipe in tamil | Pepper Kuzhambu in tamil | Pepper recipe in tamil | milagu kuzhambu recipe | Instant Kulambu | சுவையும் ஆரோக்கியமும் நிறைந்த பாரம்பரிய மிளகு குழம்பு || Milagu kulambhu recipe || Lockdown Recipes #milagukulambu #milagukuzhambu #kulambuvarieties #MilaguKulambhu #EasyPepperCurry #HowTomakeMilaguKulambhu #pepperKulambhu #Curryforcoldandcough #ImmunityBoostingCurry #LockdownRecipes #Simplysamayal'
Tags: immunity booster , cough remedy , lockdownrecipes , Corona Cure , marunthu Kulambu , pepper recipe , Pepper kuzhambu , MILAGU KUZHAMBU IN TAMIL , MILAGU KULAMBU , PEPPER KULAMBU , MARUNTHU KUZHAMBU , milagu kuzhambu post delivery in tamil , milagu kulambu madras samayal , peppercurry , மிளகு குழம்பு , post-delivery , POST DELIVERY FOOD FOR FEEDING MOTHER , COLD CURE , EasyPepperCurry , postpartumperiod , postpartum problems
See also: